
Ayurveda is a philosophy of health care believed to have originated around 4500 BC and was first documented in 2500 BC. In the Sanskrit language, AYU means life and VEDA means knowledge. Ayurveda is a complete system of health for the mind, body and spirit.

Using a holistic approach, this Oriental wisdom restores and maintains metabolic equilibrium through herbs, minerals, and the power of Nature - Sun, Light, Air and Water. Ayurveda deals with the human system, not in isolation, but integrated with the forces of the Universe to provide a healthy life in harmony with social, ethical, intellectual and spiritual components of life.

The Eight Elements

The human body is a part of Nature; conceptually there are five elements or forces of Nature, which are the building blocks of Nature:

  • Earth (Prithvi)
  • Water (Jala)
  • Fire (Teja)
  • Air (Vayu)
  • Ether/Space (Akash)

In addition there are three forces:

  • Mind (Mana)
  • Intelligence (Budhi)
  • Ego (Ahankar)

In order to stay healthy, we must maintain the natural balance of all these elements.

Using a combination of yoga, meditation, Herbal Nutrient Supplements, and following sound dietary advice, we will be able to be in control of our own health.

Ayurveda also includes Panchakarma - a theraputic five-fold purification process that is a classical form of treatment in Ayurveda. The procedure consists of massage, steam therapy, emesis, laxatives and nasal drops. The idea is to incorporate prevention, preservation, and curation in panchakarma.