Classes can be arranged for online video courses
10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
1. Introduction
1.1 Introduction to Ayurveda
1.2 Origin & History of Ayurveda
1.3 Present Status of Ayurveda Education & research in the world.
2. Principles of Ayurveda
2.1 Panchamahabhoota Siddhanta (Five element theory/pentads)
2.2 Triguna Siddhanta (Three omnisubstances)
2.3 Tridosha Siddhanta (Concept of three energies)
2.4 Saptadhatu Siddhanta (Concept of seven tissues)
2.5 Trimala Siddhanta (Concept of three waste products & daily routine)
2.6 Agni Siddhanta (Concept of digestive enzymes, Conversion energy, modern anatomy)
2.7 Annapachan Siddhanta (Concept of digestion)
2.8 Prakruti Siddhanta (Concept of constitution - Body & Mind)
2.9 Loka Purusha Siddhanta (Concept of Macrocosm & Microcosm)
2.10 Samanya Vishesha Siddhanta (Concept of similarity & dissimilarity)
2.11 Rasa-Veerya-Vipaka-prabhav Siddhanta (Concept of taste, thermal effect, post digestive effect & special attribute)
2.12 Vyadhi Siddhanta (Concept of disease)
2.13 Chikitsa Siddhanta (Concept of treatment)
2.14 Rasayana Vajeekarana Siddhanta (Concept of Rejunivation & vitalization)
2.15 Panchakarma Siddhanta (Concept of Panchakarma - Five purification methods)
2.16 Satmya-Asatmya Siddhanta (Concept of acclimatization)
2.17 Swasthya Siddhanta (Concept of Health)
2.18 Guna Siddhanta (Concept of properties/attributes)
2.19 Deerghayu Siddhanta (Concept of longevity)
2.20 Sthoulya Karshya Siddhanta (Concept of obese & thin)
2.21 Vyadhikshamatwa Siddhanta (Concept of immunity)
2.22 Ashtang Ayurveda (Eight folded Ayurveda)
Chicago - St. Francis Hospital
Saturday Classes
10:00AM to 1:00PM
Merrillville, IN
Sunday Classes
10:00AM to 1:00PM